MOBIL MOBILGARD ADL 30 - 60L Fass - kaufen -
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74,47 €
zzgl. 14,14 € (19,0% MwSt.) & zzgl. Versand

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Product Description 

Mobilgard ADL Series by ExxonMobil is a high performance family of increased dispersancy engine oils for high BMEP medium and high-speed diesel engines operating on distillate and MDO fuels. These advanced diesel lubricants are available in both SAE 30 and 40 grades to suit most marine engine viscosity requirements. As a result of a special balance of detergent and dispersant properties these oils provide not only increased resistance to cylinder liner lacquer formation in severe service applications, but also assist in sludge and deposit removal. Use of Mobilgard ADL Series oils avoids high oil consumption associated with cylinder liner lacquering, improves overall engine cleanliness and can increase time between engine overhauls. Superior load carrying properties minimise piston ring and liner wear, and also make Mobilgard ADL Series lubricants suitable for marine gearing applications. Features and Benefits Mobilgard ADL Series oils have demonstrated superior performance in the latest model diesel engines, including engines of MAN BandW Alpha, Caterpillar (3600 Series), Deutz, and Wartsila. In extensive field testing on these engines, Mobilgard ADL Series oils corrected many problems normally associated with severe service engines operating on lower quality fuels. Results included dramatically reduced oil consumption , significantly reduced liner lacquering and extended periods between overhauls. These advanced diesel lubricants possess excellent water separation, rust and corrosion resistance properties. Key features and potential benefits include: Increased thermal and oxidation stability Improved engine cleanliness, reduced liner lacquering, reduced top deck sludge, reduced piston ring groove deposits and bore polishing Superior wear protection Extends the life of critical wear surfaces Enhanced detergency/dispersancy capability Reduced deposits especially in the ring belt area which leads to extended cylinder overhauls and reduced oil consumption Stay-in-grade shear stability Reduced oil consumption and improved bearing protection High TBN levels Prevents corrosive wear due to higher sulphur fuels Broad range of engine applications One severe service engine lubricant for all shipboard applications Features Advantages and Potential Benefits Mobilgard ADL Series Page 1 of 3 12.05.2017 Applications Mobilgard ADL Series lubricants are intended for use in high BMEP engines and in severe duty engine applications where the nature of the fuel and service requires a greater level of detergency/dispersancy and liner lacquer control than is offered by most diesel engine lubricants. Specifications and Approvals Recommended by ExxonMobil for use in applications requiring API CF X X Meets the requirements of many major medium-speed marine diesel engine builders X X GE 250MDA/B (V or L) X Mobilgard ADL 30 ADL 40 Typical Properties SAE Grade 30 40 Specific Gravity at 15ºC 0.889 0.892 Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92 230 239 Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 -30 -21 Viscosity, ASTM D 445 cSt, at 40ºC 90 132 cSt, at 100ºC 11.5 14.7 Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 117 112 TBN, mg KOH/g, ASTM D 2896 12 12 Sulphated Ash, wt%, ASTM D 874 1.4 1.4 ADL 30 ADL 40 Health and Safety Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application, following the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). MSDSs are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet on This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.

Hersteller MOBIL
Kategorie/Typ translation missing: de.unkown category
Gewicht 54.00 Kg
Basispreis 1,24 € pro Liter

Lieferung & Versand:

DPD/Spedition Lieferung bis:: 30.01.2025 10:00 Uhr 0,00 €
DPD/Spedition - Express next day (nur TOTAL - bei Bestellung bis 11:30Uhr nach telefonischer Rücksprache) Lieferung bis:: 24.01.2025 08:00 Uhr 75,00 €
Abholung Lieferung bis:: 23.01.2025 09:00 Uhr 0,00 €

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Art.-Nr.: 124354